BTS Sanitary System Defender

Prevent sewage from rotting and odors without expensive chemicals

BTS is a self-contained, remotely monitored air injection
system that interlocks with sanitary lift station pumps to oxygenate & scour the force main and eliminate anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). 

Key features:

  • Simple, maintenance friendly, efficient & effective equipment
  • Eliminates odor, H2S gas, and corrosion
  • Eliminates chemical dependency & reduces lift station
    energy consumption
  • Proprietary algorithm optimises lift station pump
  • Pre-treats wastewater (BOD & COD reduction)

Causes of odor formation and BTS operation principle

BTS packaged plants are turnkey systems designed to deliver a compressed air purge of stagnant sanitary force main pipes up to 200mm diameter. This action has multiple effects including proven sanitary pump efficiency and lifecycle enhancements, and the prevention of septic conditions in force main pipes and downstream gravity systems. By preventing septic conditions, the BTS reduces H2S gas production, nauseating odors, and the effects of sulfate corrosion. Implements to mitigate odor, such as chemical feed systems, and air scrubbers can be drastically downsized or eliminated.

Aeration cycles are performed automatically based on field sensor input data and an adaptive computer algorithm, modeling sewage flow and airflow in the discharge pipeline to maintain pumps within optimal flow characteristics. Optimal pump performance, and compressor runtime are balanced with achieving appropriate flushing velocity in critical sections of the discharge pipeline.
The BTS is interlocked with the pumping system controls with failsafe mechanisms to avoid simultaneous operation. A motor operated isolation valve on the compressed air mainline equipped with position feedback verification will allow the BTS to operate based on open/closed position. A level sensor is included with the BTS providing constant monitoring of sanitary inflows. The BTS deploys an additional pressure sensor on the own pneumatic instalation, which provides invaluable data to the computer algorithm regarding potential blockages, and compressor runtime. Potential airlock and/or excessive aeration is eliminated with balanced operation of sanitary pumps and BTS system with computerized controls, and priority given to pumping system / level sensors.

BTS packaged plants are turnkey systems designed to deliver a compressed air purge of stagnant sanitary force main pipes up to 200mm diameter. This action has multiple effects including proven sanitary pump efficiency and lifecycle enhancements, and the prevention of septic conditions in force main pipes and downstream gravity systems. By preventing septic conditions, the BTS reduces H2S gas production, nauseating odors, and the effects of sulfate corrosion. Implements to mitigate odor, such as chemical feed systems, and air scrubbers can be drastically downsized or eliminated.

Aeration cycles are performed automatically based on field sensor input data and an adaptive computer algorithm, modeling sewage flow and airflow in the discharge pipeline to maintain pumps within optimal flow characteristics. Optimal pump performance, and compressor runtime are balanced with achieving appropriate flushing velocity in critical sections of the discharge pipeline.
The BTS is interlocked with the pumping system controls with failsafe mechanisms to avoid simultaneous operation. A motor operated isolation valve on the compressed air mainline equipped with position feedback verification will allow the BTS to operate based on open/closed position. A level sensor is included with the BTS providing constant monitoring of sanitary inflows. The BTS deploys an additional pressure sensor on the own pneumatic instalation, which provides invaluable data to the computer algorithm regarding potential blockages, and compressor runtime. Potential airlock and/or excessive aeration is eliminated with balanced operation of sanitary pumps and BTS system with computerized controls, and priority given to pumping system / level sensors.

Comparison of hydrogen sulfide concentration in an expansion well before and after the use of BTS

The graph shows the difference in the amount of harmful hydrogen sulfide formed in the discharge system without BTS and the system equipped with the BTS system (light blue line). There is a radical reduction in the release of odorants, which at concentrations exceeding 300 PPM poses a threat to life.



Areas within a collection system that have flat grades, or do not have adequate flow are conducive to septic conditions where H2S gas is formed. H2S gas can be lethal, pipe corroding sulphuric acid is formed, and nauseating odor can be pervasive. The BTS system eliminates all these problems by injecting compressed air into the force main, working in tandem with lift station pumps to prevent the stagnation of fluid. The wastewater downstream of the BTS system also becomes oxygen rich, which has a positive impact on final treatment costs.


Areas within a collection system that have flat grades, or do not have adequate flow are conducive to septic conditions where H2S gas is formed. H2S gas can be lethal, pipe corroding sulphuric acid is formed, and nauseating odor can be pervasive. The BTS system eliminates all these problems by injecting compressed air into the force main, working in tandem with lift station pumps to prevent the stagnation of fluid. The wastewater downstream of the BTS system also becomes oxygen rich, which has a positive impact on final treatment costs.


As a result of intensive flushing of the pipeline, the biological membrane is broken and putrefactive sediments, the main
cause of odors, are removed. The original efficiency of the system, recovered as a result of minimized flow resistance, significantly reduces electricity consumption. In addition, limiting the formation of harmful hydrogen sulphide improves the safety of service staff.


As a result of intensive flushing of the pipeline, the biological membrane is broken and putrefactive sediments, the main cause of odors, are removed. The original efficiency of the system, recovered as a result of minimized flow resistance, significantly reduces electricity consumption. In addition, limiting the formation of harmful hydrogen sulphide improves the safety of service staff.


Using air instead of aggressive chemicals to remove hydrogen sulphide, the infrastructure of the sewage system does not corrode excessively, which, together with the radical reduction of the amount of H2S, increases its service life. The elimination of chemical costs and delivery logistics has also a positive impact on the environment.


Using air instead of aggressive chemicals to remove hydrogen sulphide, the infrastructure of the sewage system does not corrode excessively, which, together with the radical reduction of the amount of H2S, increases its service life. The elimination of chemical costs and delivery logistics has also a positive impact on the environment.

Free pilot study

Struggling with sewage rotting, odors and loss of efficiency of the sewage network? Residents complaining? Get rid of it! Take part in our free pilot tests of the innovative BTS technology.

Complete the form below and register for free tests of BTS Sanitary System Defender, the new and ecological way of eliminating sewage rotting and nauseating odors. Shortly after, we'll call you to discuss the details of your project.


    Why BTS

    Czy to działa?


    Bezemisyjny Transport Ścieków BTS

    Sprawdź o ile zmniejszyliśmy zużycie energii w przepompowni
    ścieków w m. Parowa.


    Bezemisyjny Transport Ścieków BTS

    Sprawdź o ile zmniejszyliśmy zużycie energii w przepompowni
    ścieków w m. Parowa.




    Bezemisyjny Transport Ścieków BTS

    Sprawdź o ile zmniejszyliśmy zużycie energii w przepompowni
    ścieków w miejscowości Parowa.




    Yes - filters only mask the problem with odors, and dosing chemicals, although common, only cures the consequences.

    The advantage of BTS technology is that it eliminates the cause of wastewater putrefaction and odorant formation. Moreover, dosing chemicals negatively affects the life of sewage infrastructure by accelerating corrosion. In addition, it's worth mentioning the increasing costs of purchasing and logistics of supplying chemical compounds, as well as the possible costs of correcting the pH of sewage at the treatment plant.

    With BTS, a number of these problems simply do not exist. Our technology is definitely more environmentally friendly, allows you to achieve lasting effects, does not cause accelerated corrosion of the sewage network and there are no purchase costs, logistics and side effects of using chemicals.

    No - the operation of the BTS system does not negatively affect the operation of the pumps and does not cause air bubbles in the pipeline. The heart of the BTS is a special algorithm which, based on current information about the network's operating status, can predict when and how long blowing should be performed, and then intelligently selects these parameters - not only to eliminate the problem of sewage rotting, but most importantly, to avoid adversely affect the operation of the entire pressure network, or even improve this operation, e.g. by optimizing pump operation and electricity consumption.

    The effect of reducing sewage putrefaction and odors is permanent. Removing the biological membrane and the oxygenation of sewage eliminate the cause of the problem. This is a huge advantage compared to chemicals, which not only have to be dosed constantly and the effects are temporary. More importantly, dosing chemicals  affects only the consequences of putrefaction, i.e. odors, and not its cause.

    No - BTS interlocks with the pumping station. It works when the pumping station is idle, without the risk of sewage overflowing.

    No - the noise level generated by the compressor in the BTS is within the permissible standards, so its operation is not in any way burdensome for residents.

    Yes - the compact, container housing of the BTS allows its installation on the vast majority of pumping station plots. 

    BTS is a prefabricated product, so its installation is very quick. It does not require permanent connection to the ground, special permits or construction work in the pumping station. The downtime of the pumping station is reduced to an absolute minimum and the first effects of BTS work can be achieved the next day after installation.

    Energy consumption depends on the size of the installed device. Importantly, thanks to the modeling algorithm, we can pre-calculate it and on this basis determine whether for a given pumping system, the operation of the BTS will create an additional cost, or whether, as in the case of the vast majority of applications, there will be no additional energy consumption (or energy consumption of the whole sewage system will even decrease).

    Yes, the BTS generates a turbulent flow, which leads to the formation of oxygen microreactors in the discharge channel, causing a positive effect on the oxygenation level of the sewage and reduces sewage rotting long after the blowing has stopped.
    We never exceed the permissible pressures for a given type of discharge pipe. Typically, the operating pressure of BTS is not very high, which makes it possible to work with older sewers.

    Yes. Towns with periodically small amounts of sewage (e.g. seasonal towns) are an ideal place to install BTS, with which we can actually regulate the retention time of sewage in the pressure pipeline, shortening it to just days when this problem occurs.

    No. The simulator allows you to check the behavior of the BTS with a given vent valve and decide whether it is necessary, for example, to close it (and therefore take it out of service) or whether no intervention is necessary and the system will operate without any problems.

    The results of using BTS - expansion well after the first use

    Working principle

    Aeration cycles are performed automatically based on field sensor input data and an adaptive computer algorithm, modeling sewage flow and airflow in the discharge pipeline to maintain pumps within optimal flow characteristics. Optimal pump performance, and compressor runtime are balanced with achieving appropriate flushing velocity in critical sections of the discharge pipeline. The BTS is interlocked with the pumping system controls with failsafe mechanisms to avoid simultaneous operation. A motor operated isolation valve on the compressed air mainline equipped with position feedback verification will allow the BTS to operate based on open/closed position. A level sensor is included with the BTS providing constant monitoring of sanitary inflows. The BTS deploys an additional pressure sensor on the own pneumatic instalation, which provides invaluable data to the computer algorithm regarding potential blockages, and compressor runtime. Potential airlock and/or excessive aeration is eliminated with balanced operation of sanitary pumps and BTS system with computerized controls, and priority given to pumping system / level sensors.

    Dane techniczne

    Odory to olbrzymi kłopot, nie tylko dla Mieszkańców, ale przede wszystkim dla Użytkowników sieci kanalizacyjnych. Bezemisyjny Transport Ścieków do skuteczna odpowiedź na ten problem.

    ✔  Przewody tłoczne o wydłużonym czasie przetrzymywania ścieków powodującym zagniwanie

    ✔  Istniejące bądź projektowane przepompownie ścieków, współpracujące z rurociągami o średnicy do DN200

    ✔  Układy tłoczne o niskich prędkościach przepływu, które ulegają zamulaniu

    Innowacyjny algorytm sterujący utrzymuje pompy w swojej charakterystyce, optymalizując zużycie energii
    a odzyskana pierwotna sprawność układu dodatkowo wpływa na ich wydajniejszą pracę,
    poprawiając energooszczędność.

    Zestawienie parametrów typoszeregu

    TypMaksymalna moc układuMinimalna średnica rurociągu sprężonego powietrzaMaksymalne ciśnienieMaksymalne wymiary kontenera BTS
    Kliknij aby powiększyć tabelkę

    Darmowa koncepcja czeka!

    Zostaw swoje dane aby otrzymać bezpłatną koncepcję na analizę sieci kanalizacyjnej i plan wdrożenia. Zadzwoni do Ciebie nasz doradca i zada kilka pytań o kluczowe informacje potrzebne do doboru. Jeśli obawiasz się, ze będziesz musiał przygotować dużo danych, nie martw się.

    Oto te, które są wymagane:
    profil rurociągu tłocznego, dostępna moc elektryczna na przyłączu, typ i charakterystyka pompy, średniodobowy dopływ ścieków oraz dostępna retencja w przepompowni.

    W przypadku braku tych informacji, sami możemy je pozyskać, przeprowadzając test BTS na miejscu.


      Chcesz wiedzieć więcej?

      Nasi doradcy techniczno-handlowi pomogą Ci odpowiedzieć nawet na najbardziej nurtujące pytania.

      Want a free project?

      As part of the FREE PROJECT, we will select and design a sewage pumping station, create a concept for BTS Saintary System Defender as well as EKON/EKOS columns.