Downloads CATALOGS AND BROCHURES ▼ Product catalogue EkoWodrol Innovations | PDF pencil-2 3D MODELS & DWG DRAWINGS ▼ ESK ball check valves | ZIP▼ ESL IN-LINE ball check valves | ZIP▼ COMBI ball check valves | ZIP CERTIFICATES ▼ CE Certificate of EPP pneumatic pumping station▼ Certificate of Ball check valves▼ National Institute of Hygiene Certificate – Ball check valves▼ Utility property declaration of Ball check valves▼ Sample Specification – EkoWodrol Check Valves USER MANUALS ▼ User manual of COMBI ball check valves▼ User manual of ESK ball check valves PUBLICATIONS ▼ Back-pressure ball valves for contaminated liquids▼ Back-pressure valves for faecal sewage pumping stations I▼ Back-pressure valves for faecal sewage pumping stations II▼ Back-pressure valves for faecal sewage pumping stations III▼ Back-pressure valves for faecal sewage pumping stations IV▼ Back-pressure valves for faecal sewage pumping stations V